Invitation to the general autumn meeting of Bioner on 14.11.

Hello esteemed bioneers!

You are invited to participate in Bioner’s general autumn meeting in Tietotalo TB103 on Thursday 14.11.2024 at 16.00. Unfortunately, the meeting is held in Finnish, but the main points of the meeting will be translated if needed. The agenda of the meeting can be found at in the attachments. It’s not possible to participate in the meeting remotely. 


Among other things, the budget and plan of actions for next year are accepted and guild’s board for year 2025 is elected in the autumn meeting. The next year’s representatives in the Teekkari Council will also be elected during this meeting (You can apply through this form until 13.11). The guild’s meetings have the highest decision-making power over the guild’s matters and all official members have the right to vote. Remember that you are entitled to vote in the meeting only if you have paid your membership fee this year! 


If you wish to make motion for non-binding resolution (ponsi in Finnish), please fill this form before the start of the meeting. Non-binding resolution are wishes or statements to which the writers of the resolution wish to get clarification or preparation from the board. The board’s responses to them are usually presented at the next general meeting. In addition, if you wish to make a motion to change the agenda or the proposals, do so by filling in the very same form. 


Reminder to the fuksis; you can get fuksipoints for participating! If you have any questions about the meeting or its attachments, please contact the chairperson. 


Esityslista (pdf)

Talousarvio (pdf)

Toimintasuunnitelma 2025 (pdf)

Jatkuvan toiminnan kuvaus muutosesitys 2025 (pdf)

Merkkiohjesäännön muutosesitys 2025 (pdf)


On behalf of the Bioner board,


Markus Parviainen

Chairperson 2024

Telegram: (at)Makkhe 


avainsanat: autumn meeting, board
Bioner Bioteekkarikilta ry