Bioner ry



Tampere University’s modern degree in biomedical sciences and engineering is a
combination of two old degrees: biomedical engineering (from Tampere University of
Technology) and biotechnology (from University of Tampere). In this new degree,
strong technical basis is combined with knowledge in natural sciences.
Majors in Bachelor phase are:

  • Biomedical Engineering
  • Bio- and Environmental Engineering


Majors in Master phase are:
Industrial Biotechnology and Synthetic Biology- Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering

  • Biomedical Micro- and Nanodevices
  • Health Technology and Informatics


Additionally, there is a completely international Master’s Degree Programme in
Biomedical Sciences and Engineering.

Degree Programme in Biomedical Sciences and Engineering, MSc (Tech)

The Master’s Degree Programme in Biomedical Sciences and Engineering offers you an international and multidisciplinary study environment, and an opportunity to customize the content of your programme to meet your personal goals and interests. The duration of studies is two years, including 120 ECTS, and is taught in English. The courses emphasize different areas of biomedical engineering, such as tissue engineering or medical device development. In addition, students are able to design and carry out a research plan to test hypotheses, to analyze and interpret the results in the context of the research, and to report the results according to scientific principles, requirements, and ethics related to engineering and life sciences.

For more information, visit the website.

Some general information can also be found here. 


Student representatives in administration, or hallopeds, are student representatives in the administrative bodies of the university. They are independent and full members of an administrative body representing all students of the university, a faculty, or a degree programme. Every member of the student union is eligible to apply for the position. Most bodies use Finnish as an administrative language and fluent Finnish is required! English is used as an administrative language in the Degree programme planninggroups.

Current hallopeds

Faculty council of Medicine and Health Technology:

  • Julius Haapakoski
  • Deputy Vappu Tainio
  • Educational Council (MET):
  • Sanna Kallio (deputy)

Biotechnology and Biomedical Engineering degree study program development group:

  • Nina Kovanen and Essi Pietilä
  • Deputy Vili Sipilä and Ronja Suokivi

Chemistry and bioengineering laboratory teaching development group:

  • Heidi Tuomela

For more information on hallopeds, you can visit student union office in the Päärakennus building, or contact hallopeds directly via email ([email protected]).

Study officers

In the following section you can find Bioner’s study people and their contact information. If you have anything to ask related to studies etc., just contact one of us!

International study counsellor: Tiina Riihelä, tiina.riihela(at)

Academic officer: approves personal study plans (PSP) and offer assistance in planning your studies and in certain special cases, e.g. recognizing courses completed outside our university to your degree or having personal study modules approved. Our academic officer is Minna Uusitalo: minna.uusitalo(at)

Study counsellor: helps you for example with your personal study plan and can answer to study related questions. Our study counsellor is Vappu Tainio: bio.opiskelu.tau(at) Additionally, she announces her weekly office hours via E-mail.

Study official: is a board member of Bioteekkarikilta Bioner ry. Responsibilities are study and advocacy related themes from our guild’s point of view. You can always send a message if you have anything in mind. The study official can also help to forward things to right persons if you are unsure about whom to contact. You can contact our study official via E-mail: [email protected] or for example in Telegram @breilii.