Bioner's quiet study rooms for the 3rd period

Are you in need of quiet study spaces, where you actually get things done? Is the guild room too loud? Is the Language Center always full? Worry not! Bioner’s quiet study rooms for the 3rd period are here:

Mon at 10-14 Tietotalo TB206
Tue at 8-12 Päärakennus PB133
Wed at 8-12 Päärakennus PC108
Thu at 12-16 Päärakennus PC112
Fri at 10-14 Konetalo K2108

The rooms are meant for quiet working and are for all members. These reservations are from 28.1. to 28.2. If the rooms are not open already, ask from the nearest info for someone to open them. In case of any troubles, contact TG: (at)henriettre or henrietta.reunanen(at) 🤓

avainsanat: study rooms
Bioner Bioteekkarikilta ry